Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Buying Local Honey

Thank you to Jennifer R. for the following info:

I just wanted to pass this along. I purchase my honey locally from James Henderson, who lives in Melrose Place (off Florida Blvd across from BRCC). I have been buying from him for a couple years. He is generous and has other items for sale as well. He has hives placed at the Organic Berry Orchard in Ethel and several other places. He is excellent at bee keeping. I have even used his honey soap. When I make a purchase it is for a full gallon of honey. It maybe more. I bring back the container, he gives me a discount, and fills up a new one. He’s pretty cool.

I hope that you can find this useful if this is an item we are needed to add to our food storage. You can buy by the bulk as well.

Friday, January 1, 2010

January Weekly Food Storage Plan

Week 1 (Jan. 3-9): 6 lbs. salt

Week 2 (Jan. 10-16): 5 cans cream chicken soup

Week 3 (Jan. 17-23): 20 lbs. sugar

Week 4 (Jan. 24-30): 8 cans tomato soup

Week 5 (Jan. 31- Feb. 6): 50 lbs. wheat