Thursday, October 1, 2009

October Ark Project Info

"When people are able but unwilling to take care of themselves, we are responsible to employ the dictum of the Lord that the idler shall not eat the bread of the laborer."
~Boyd K Packer

Spiritual Goal:
  • Attend one more session of General Conference than you normally do.
Priesthood Provident Living Goal:
  • Make a goal to read 30 minutes/day to your children or grandchildren. If you have no children to read to, make a goal to read at least 30 minutes a day just for pleasure.
Storage Goal:
  • 50 cans of soup, stew, or chili per person
  • 10 pounds of cheese - dried or bottled
  • Shaving supplies
  • Dish soap
72 Hour Kit:
  • Replace items you placed in your kit in April:4 Granola bars per person 2 sticks of beef jerky per person 1 pkg. chewing gum per person Hard candy or lollipops - at least 12 per person
  • Check batteries for light and radio and replace if necessary.

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