Monday, June 1, 2009

June Ark Project Info

"We will see the day when we will live on what we produce."
~President Marion G. Romney

Spiritual Goal:
  • Prepare at least one family name of Temple Work.
Priesthood Provident Living Goal:
  • Make a goal to have 6 months wages in savings for emergencies. Write out a realistic plan to make it happen. Speed isn’t always an advantage – both cheetahs and snails were on board.
Storage Goal:
First Aid kit - should include:
  1. Scissors
  2. knife
  3. thermometer
  4. measuring cup
  5. medicine dropper
  6. hot water bottle
  7. triangular bandages
  8. soap
  9. matches
  10. razor blades
  11. needles
  12. safety pins
  13. adhesive tape
  14. elastic bandage
  15. gauze bandages
  16. paper bags
  17. bicarbonate of soda
  18. Ipecac syrup (induces vomiting)
  19. ammonia
  20. hydrogen peroxide
  21. Calamine lotion (insect bites and sunburn)
  22. rubbing alcohol
  23. diarrhea remedy
  24. antibiotic ointment
  25. first aid instruction book
  26. waterproof matches
  27. Consecrated oil
72 Hour Kit:
  • Container for holding kit, for instance, large garbage cans with wheels OR a Back pack for each family member. Find an easily accessible place in your home for storing the kit. Your first aid kit, while part of your general storage, should be kept with your 72-hour kit.

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